
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guide to Dating - The 5 uncomplicated Things You Need To Date The Women You Want

Here is the simplest guide to dating you will ever find.

1. Believe in yourself (and if you don't, then fake it until you make it).
2. Keep it short. Don't spend too much time talking to the same woman.
3. Keep your mouth shut and never characterize anyone about yourself.
4. Have a friend be your partner. Man to hold you accountable. A real "Wingman".
5. Know that dating is a numbers game.

Dating Guides

There, do guides to dating get any simpler than that?

Guide to Dating - The 5 uncomplicated Things You Need To Date The Women You Want

What'S That? You don't understand why this list is a guide to dating, or more accurately, How it's a guide to dating.

Ok, I'll expound it. Backwards.

5) Dating Is A Numbers Game.

No matter how you slice it, you must go out and talk to real women in Man or via the internet to get dates and real live women to get laid. Unless your idea of a good lay is to jack off on an internet chat. An Ok pastime once or twice but hardly a sex life.

Every man has his number. Your amount is calculated this way. How many women do you need to talk to in order to get laid once? For a Handsome, preponderant Hollywood celebrity, it may be two. Every 2 women he speaks to will net him 1 lay. For a lot of men, that amount is probably about 100. They would have to talk to 100 women before getting laid. Worst part is they won't do it so that 100 might as well be a million.

That's the point. We all have our number. The only way to get your amount down is to go out and interact with women the right way. Once you start to interact, you will gain confidence and confidence is the best guide to dating you'll ever need.

Every No you receive gets you closer to a yes. Learn to love hearing no. Learn to treat rejection with the importance of a cockroach. If your amount is 30 and a chick says no, you say to yourself, "Awesome, only 29 to go!!

4) Have a Partner Hold You Accountable.

It's verily funny the way the Wingman is portrayed in movies. He is the guy who distracts the ugly girl so you can get to the good-looking one. Funny for a movie, but not what works for a guide to dating real live women.

The Wingman needs to understand the program and the discipline of the program as well as you do. The two of you need to be committed to each other's success no matter what.

Men have a tendency to read into girl's behavior more than is there. For example, a man walks into a bar and meets a girl who says, "Hey, that's a nice shirt". The guy hears, "Hey, I want to screw you in that shirt". It's a natural male reaction, after all, we are the aggressors and we deal with most of the rejection. We need that suspension of reality to keep going. However, it doesn't work.

Men need a Wingman around to keep an eye on them and keep them on the path and accountable to a discipline if they want to be prosperous with women. The Wingman keeps you in touch with reality while you are in the trenches.

Trust an additional one man to be your personal guide to dating.

3) Keep your mouth shut and never characterize anyone about yourself

Women will do all the work construction you into the man they dream of being with. Contrary to beloved belief,you don't need to do anything. They will do it in their mind. All you can do is screw it up by smashing their creation of you by revealing anyone about yourself. Shut your mouth and just ask them questions. Acknowledge every ask with a question.

When dating, you all the time have to guide them to talk about themselves and avoid talking about yourself. If you do a good job of getting them to talk about themselves, they will tell you what a great time they had.

2) Keep it short. Don't spend too much time talking to the same woman

Dating is a numbers game and it's costly and time-consuming. And since you don't want to characterize too much about yourself, it follows that you should keep it short when talking to women and talk to as many as possible.

The best guide I can give you about dating is you need her to think that you believe she needs you more than you need her.

1) Believe in yourself (and if you don't, then fake it until you make it)

Having said all that we come to rule amount 1, which is believing in yourself, and if you don't, then you'll have to fake it until you make it. If you want her to build you into the man she wants to be within her mind, you Must send her subconscious messages that attract her sexually. The attraction is on a biological, hormonal level. The only way to do that is to show up as a cocky bastard. Be totally self-assured, super-confident and even sometimes rude. If that is not you, you'll have to fake it; otherwise you are dead in the water. Once you start getting laid, you won't have to fake it anymore.

Faking it requires you to hold a context. Here are some examples of a context you can hold in the back of your mind to use as a guide when dating:

· "I am Happening, Popular, Interesting, Getting Laid and Too Busy for Her anyway."
· "I am interviewing to find the best women in the world"
· "I am positive, sexy, self-certain and everybody loves me. I am a woman magnet and seeing for the Best one."

It's a funny and lucky thing about men. When we are with a hot chick, we believe we are invincible. Now that is a Killer Guide to Dating gorgeous Women.

Guide to Dating - The 5 uncomplicated Things You Need To Date The Women You Want

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